b3ta.com user longpod
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» Well, that taught 'em

Pint of piss
Whilst studying in france several years ago the accomodation I stayed in had a communal kitchen and individual flats. Anything, and I mean anything that my flatmate or I left in the fridge would disappear in a matter of minutes thanks to a greasy frenchman living in the other flat on our floor. Milk, cheese, half a lasagne, absolutely anything not nailed down. The final straw came when he stole an entire crate of lager wholesale out of the fridge. So, to teach our garlic munching friend a lesson I drank a whole carton of apple juice, pissed in the empty carton and left it in the fridge. Went back two hours later, no more apple juice. Things still went missing but it didn't annoy me as much after that.....
(Fri 27th Apr 2007, 17:07, More)