b3ta.com user spacklordmongcharles
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Profile for spacklordmongcharles:
Profile Info:

28 yr old financially and physically decrepit Chemist. Currently working in possibly the worst place in the UK to try and perform Chemistry.

Trying to eke out an existance within the cesspit of humanity known as Newbury and escape back north as rapidly as I can.

I like Kittens, cars, walks in the park and doing your mum. One day I hope for world peace, until that day I will exist in my own little bubble of pain grief and misery.

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Best answers to questions:

ยป School Trips

Best school trip ever
First year camping trip in Dalby Forest,

Highlights included;

Chasing the token fat lad through the woods (along with the rest of the year) when he decided he'd had enough of being away from mummy and food on tap. Think of the bit where Piggy gets chased in Lord Of The Flies, pretty much like that except he didnt split his head open and we were in the woods. Poor old fatty didnt come back until night time. Apparently he'd made it all the way to the main road before he got hungry and decided that a cherubic young boy was probably safest with his classmates rather than in the cab of a lonely long distance lorry driver.

Watching a kid called Bonzo get pushed into a seasons worth of septic tank and then just bob about in there looking pathetic. Laughing even harder when he got pushed back in again with a big stick when he tried to get out.

Witnessing one of the teachers roll the Minibus trying to pull handbrake turns.

Burning some kids horrible blue and white England shell suit and then realising that he only had the clothes we'd just burnt to last him all weekend..oh how we laughed.

Watching the teachers get progressively more drunk as the weekend went on and then deciding it would be fun to throw butane cannisters into the bonfire -remember the napalm bit from Apocalypse Now, just like that it was.

Watching one of the teachers threaten to knock out the token fat lad on the last day.

Ahh happy, happy times.

Pog goes the cherry
(Thu 7th Dec 2006, 21:59, More)