b3ta.com user Anti-bauble
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Profile for Anti-bauble:
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Is here because christmas is over and he doesnt want to go back in the box.

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» The Weird Kid In Class

Why I like Wales
Memories of the English side are a little vague but i shall attempt to describe a boy from year 6 (must have been ten at the time).

His name was Josh, he was ginger, had a habit of tying cats to lampposts and cars at the same time (surely people would notice?).

On occasion he would walk into my home unannounced and play with my playstaion whether i was there or not.

And finally, I recall a sex ed class where he went into great detail about watching his brother wank in the bath.

length/girth: well he said it was rather small
(Fri 19th Jan 2007, 20:57, More)