Profile for shakermaker88:
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» What's the most horrific thing you've seen?
My mate told me a story where he was driving along when a cat ran out infront of the car infront, he said its back wheel went over the front of the cat (head and top end of its body) and blood and guts spurted out of his arse!!! He said imagine stamping on one end of a ketchup sachet. He saw this all from his car and was killing himself laughing while all these passers by almost fainted by the horrible sight of this shop covered in cat insides.
(Fri 22nd Jun 2007, 11:06, More)
My mate told me a story where he was driving along when a cat ran out infront of the car infront, he said its back wheel went over the front of the cat (head and top end of its body) and blood and guts spurted out of his arse!!! He said imagine stamping on one end of a ketchup sachet. He saw this all from his car and was killing himself laughing while all these passers by almost fainted by the horrible sight of this shop covered in cat insides.
(Fri 22nd Jun 2007, 11:06, More)