b3ta.com user EveningVicar
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» Ripped Off

All travellers get ripped off, however i liked to feel i was above such things. That was before a group of twunts in a hotel in Hanoi, Vietnam.

On leaving the airport in a crowded mini-van, a woman and i were the last to be dropped off at the hotel we'd chosen from the Rough Guide. Unsurprisingly we were told it was 'gone', and that they knew somewhere. Late at night we didn't have much choice. The place turned out to be nice and $10 a night, plus tax. The next day i booked my onward ticket to Hue as well as a trip to Halong Bay, both involving tax.

As i left the hotel, they refused to give me my train ticket, insisting they would take me. 2 hours later after waiting in the hotel lobby. One of the young twunts summoned me to a taxi, which i had to pay for, to the station. The young twunt showed me to the carriage dorm where'd i'd stay. Then gave me my ticket and quickly left the carriage. Looking at the cost of the ticket, i had been ripped off as it was half the price i'd paid.

On reaching Hue, i got to a hotel. I was told the room was $12. I asked did that include tax? "tax" they queried, there is no tax.
me: "Arghhhhhhhhh"

Those little twunts had ripped me off good and proper.

no apologies for length, just girth
(Thu 22nd Feb 2007, 13:26, More)

» My Collection

why oh why?!
Ok, so this is going to see me put in the 'weirdo' box, but maybe i can find some kharma!

I've collected stuff all my life, and i don't really know why. When i was a young kid i collected crisp packets, something my parents still tease me about. Why?

Then i collected comics, and kept them in boxes thinking i'd read them again in retirement?! Why?

Travelling all over Europe with the folks, i began collecting foreign coins and notes. Now they all sit in a folder at my folks place. Why?

Carrying on from the above, i now collect countries. I've visited 60 so far, and will be doing more this year. not so much of a why, as i really enjoy this one!

When i got a PC after Uni, i got every Game ROM i could find for MAME Emulator, and played them all, once. I still have them backed up on DVD's never to be played again. Why?

This is where the weirdo thing comes fully to the fore. I have a fetish of sorts for women in knee boots. My Harddrive at home is full of pictures collected off the net. I actually saw a psychiatrist about this, and turns out i was probably crawling around women wearing them as a nipper. Cheers mum! Again, Why?

N.B. It should be noted i do actually maintain a normal life despite the above with friends and even girlfriends!
(Tue 16th Jan 2007, 12:40, More)