b3ta.com user highonmyfarts
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» Picky Eaters

bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S
My little cousin, who is about 9, has a strong dislike for the yellow banana fruit. He will not eat it under any circumstances when told something is banana flavoured (However, it is important to note that to our family knowledge he hasn't really "tasted" a banana since he was a toddler). Now, I thought this was silly, as the banana is a good source of vitamins and excellent with ice cream.

So, here I have a bag full of salt water taffy. They are not labeled, but I knew which ones were banana flavored. I trick the kiddo into eating one...funny thing is he almost ate it, but realized something was up by my eratic and loud laughing.

After spitting it out, he asks "What was so funny about that? Did you drop it on the ground?"

The little bugger's dislike for banana flavored items was unfounded as he didn't know the taste of banana when he saw, er tasted, it.
(Sun 4th Mar 2007, 5:29, More)