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- a member for 18 years, 2 months and 23 days
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» What's the most horrific thing you've seen?
gross shit:
I had the misfortune of arriving at a car accident site a minute or so after a small truck ran head first into a garbage truck, head first, at approximately 50-60 miles per hour (I'm a stupid American, forget what that is in km), Naturally i look over try to figure what happened with the crumpled vehicle, its door peeled off to revel the turned inside out driver slumped/splattered.
I've also had to disect a lamprey. Looks like a leech and big rubbery grey dildo lovechild. Alien dick with teeth if you will. To cut into it you have to grab the...shaft.
(Tue 26th Jun 2007, 14:09, More)
gross shit:
I had the misfortune of arriving at a car accident site a minute or so after a small truck ran head first into a garbage truck, head first, at approximately 50-60 miles per hour (I'm a stupid American, forget what that is in km), Naturally i look over try to figure what happened with the crumpled vehicle, its door peeled off to revel the turned inside out driver slumped/splattered.
I've also had to disect a lamprey. Looks like a leech and big rubbery grey dildo lovechild. Alien dick with teeth if you will. To cut into it you have to grab the...shaft.
(Tue 26th Jun 2007, 14:09, More)
» Dumb things you've done
wacky university antics.....
My least proud moment would have to be my presentation in Marine Ichthyology.
Previously I'd been blessed with professors that found my sense of humor and deplorable excess of personality to be charming and well received. Although I sensed this new professor found me less than amusing I decided to carry on with my plan to put an interesting spin on "intrauterine cannibalism in elasmobranchs" (fetus sharks that eat their siblings in the womb)
Unfortunately my well placed background images of hannibal lector and that of nirvana's in utero album cover mixed in with the data with a few little cannibalism jokes didn't go ever well.
It doesn't sound so horrible but the uptight twit made my life hell after that.
(Sun 30th Dec 2007, 4:12, More)
wacky university antics.....
My least proud moment would have to be my presentation in Marine Ichthyology.
Previously I'd been blessed with professors that found my sense of humor and deplorable excess of personality to be charming and well received. Although I sensed this new professor found me less than amusing I decided to carry on with my plan to put an interesting spin on "intrauterine cannibalism in elasmobranchs" (fetus sharks that eat their siblings in the womb)
Unfortunately my well placed background images of hannibal lector and that of nirvana's in utero album cover mixed in with the data with a few little cannibalism jokes didn't go ever well.
It doesn't sound so horrible but the uptight twit made my life hell after that.
(Sun 30th Dec 2007, 4:12, More)
» Voyeurism
beach bj
Parked at a quiet patch of ocean front. There was a piece of equipment, bull dozer I believe, nearby. No visible life around. After a good fifteen minutes of choking on the flesh porpoise i look up to make sure the area is still desolate.... no... peeping out from behind the machinery some creepy old nasty freak was trying out his night vision looking binoculars.... i guess he developed a kink for observing makeout/sweaty fumblings point so much so to buy observation equipment.
(Wed 17th Oct 2007, 5:42, More)
beach bj
Parked at a quiet patch of ocean front. There was a piece of equipment, bull dozer I believe, nearby. No visible life around. After a good fifteen minutes of choking on the flesh porpoise i look up to make sure the area is still desolate.... no... peeping out from behind the machinery some creepy old nasty freak was trying out his night vision looking binoculars.... i guess he developed a kink for observing makeout/sweaty fumblings point so much so to buy observation equipment.
(Wed 17th Oct 2007, 5:42, More)
» I Quit!
vinegary justice
I worked at a petstore for two years, did everything from mopping up mini horse pee to bagging up hundreds of dead fish after a hurricane to expressing dog anal glands. One day the boss called me in the office to yell at me for bringing my pet sugar glider to work with me in my purse and for negating to put up some supplies the day my brother in law died. I shook the hand of the mulleted dyke I had been working with and told her it'd been fun and I appreciated her being civil to me and said nothing to anyone else and clocked out. Some time later I developed a odd sense of revenge by throwing random objects containing liquid at the sliding glass doors. Eggs, milk shakes and once a disposable douche. That'll learn them.
(Tue 27th May 2008, 5:33, More)
vinegary justice
I worked at a petstore for two years, did everything from mopping up mini horse pee to bagging up hundreds of dead fish after a hurricane to expressing dog anal glands. One day the boss called me in the office to yell at me for bringing my pet sugar glider to work with me in my purse and for negating to put up some supplies the day my brother in law died. I shook the hand of the mulleted dyke I had been working with and told her it'd been fun and I appreciated her being civil to me and said nothing to anyone else and clocked out. Some time later I developed a odd sense of revenge by throwing random objects containing liquid at the sliding glass doors. Eggs, milk shakes and once a disposable douche. That'll learn them.
(Tue 27th May 2008, 5:33, More)
» Cheap Tat
I -had-
pierced nipples, bought some 14 gauge captive bead rings with ornate scalloped edges for a decent amount. Gorgeous. Slide them in my recently healed tits.... so far so good. Couple days later I learn I'm allergic to whatever the hell potmetal/nickel bullshit they were made with. Ended up making both the holes regect and become infected: more painful than the initial excruciating piercing.
(Tue 8th Jan 2008, 4:08, More)
I -had-
pierced nipples, bought some 14 gauge captive bead rings with ornate scalloped edges for a decent amount. Gorgeous. Slide them in my recently healed tits.... so far so good. Couple days later I learn I'm allergic to whatever the hell potmetal/nickel bullshit they were made with. Ended up making both the holes regect and become infected: more painful than the initial excruciating piercing.
(Tue 8th Jan 2008, 4:08, More)