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» Failed
Toward the end of 2006, there was a lot of forms going around in my 6th form about As-A2 resits, one of my teachers was insistant that I retake a business studies unit, even though I specifically dropped the subject ages back. I fill in all the neccessary forms stating that I DID NOT wish to retake this exam at any point, and thought huzzah, more time to spend focussing on my A2 exams.
I roll in this morning only to be greeted by an abundance of people in my old class saying things like "I didn't know you were retaking that unit" etc. A bit confused (and slightly worried, as I hadn't payed the charge for resitting, a tenner or something) I decided to wait until the envigilator came along and state my problem. Didn't really work, I'm sitting down and all of a sudden a door is flung open and standing there, with the look of the devil in her eyes, is the envigilator. Oh dear..
Her: "Do you realise that there is an exam hall fool of people waiting because of YOU?"
Me: "Yes, I was going to come and find you and tell you about this but -"
Her: "You should have told me before now, you've known about it for weeks!"
Me: "As far as i've known, I wasn't resitting, I only found out this morning, I haven't payed or revised or anything..."
Her: "Well, what do you want to do about it then?"
Me: "Well, since I haven't revised, i don't think it'd be a good idea, and I haven't payed for it either, so technically I'd be stealing an exam paper"
Anyways, she leaves and I'm assuming the exam began. I later found out some goody-two-shoes bint grassed on me... twunt.
And thats my story of how I failed to fail a free exam.
And it's also quite an uneventful one at that!
(Wed 10th Jan 2007, 21:51, More)
Toward the end of 2006, there was a lot of forms going around in my 6th form about As-A2 resits, one of my teachers was insistant that I retake a business studies unit, even though I specifically dropped the subject ages back. I fill in all the neccessary forms stating that I DID NOT wish to retake this exam at any point, and thought huzzah, more time to spend focussing on my A2 exams.
I roll in this morning only to be greeted by an abundance of people in my old class saying things like "I didn't know you were retaking that unit" etc. A bit confused (and slightly worried, as I hadn't payed the charge for resitting, a tenner or something) I decided to wait until the envigilator came along and state my problem. Didn't really work, I'm sitting down and all of a sudden a door is flung open and standing there, with the look of the devil in her eyes, is the envigilator. Oh dear..
Her: "Do you realise that there is an exam hall fool of people waiting because of YOU?"
Me: "Yes, I was going to come and find you and tell you about this but -"
Her: "You should have told me before now, you've known about it for weeks!"
Me: "As far as i've known, I wasn't resitting, I only found out this morning, I haven't payed or revised or anything..."
Her: "Well, what do you want to do about it then?"
Me: "Well, since I haven't revised, i don't think it'd be a good idea, and I haven't payed for it either, so technically I'd be stealing an exam paper"
Anyways, she leaves and I'm assuming the exam began. I later found out some goody-two-shoes bint grassed on me... twunt.
And thats my story of how I failed to fail a free exam.
And it's also quite an uneventful one at that!
(Wed 10th Jan 2007, 21:51, More)