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» Ripped Off
Checked out the Chinese New Year celebrations
in London's Chinatown.
Saw a couple of kids throwing those little pop-pop things on the ground.
Figured they'd be useful for throwing at the next prick who decided to ram into my ankle with a pram.
Found a guy selling them for £1 a box.
"Ill take 5 thanks" says I.
Walked about 50m down the road. Some lady is selling them for 50p.
(Mon 19th Feb 2007, 15:03, More)
Checked out the Chinese New Year celebrations
in London's Chinatown.
Saw a couple of kids throwing those little pop-pop things on the ground.
Figured they'd be useful for throwing at the next prick who decided to ram into my ankle with a pram.
Found a guy selling them for £1 a box.
"Ill take 5 thanks" says I.
Walked about 50m down the road. Some lady is selling them for 50p.
(Mon 19th Feb 2007, 15:03, More)