b3ta.com user GaryRhodes
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» The Weird Kid In Class

Fat Grunting Boy
There was a kid called Patterson who used to make grunting noises. During cross country, however, the grunting would turn into an engine noise as he sped up (which didn't last very long). I seem to remember him having a sidekick called Stacey. He was equally weird. His dad was, apparently, but very likely, a high member of the Masons. Stacey also made the same noises as he ran.

There was also another guy who was built like a brick shit house, but was dim as you like. Like Lenny in 'Of Mice and Men'. He claimed he was going out with Billie Piper (Honey 2 Tha B era), he said his dad was black ("I say 'beer-can', not 'bacon'"), and he claimed he had a tattoo of Foghorn Leghorn on his lower thigh, which he refused to show us. I think he's a bus driver now. That private school education gone to good use then...
(Tue 23rd Jan 2007, 10:23, More)