Profile for saidthekat:

i have a myspace.
MY space
that is all.
**hooray! i can post now!
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- a member for 18 years, 1 month and 14 days
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i have a myspace.
MY space
that is all.
**hooray! i can post now!
Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» My first experience of porn
i think my friend's dad was gay...
it's funny-- i'd completely blocked this out until i read the question.
i spent the night at a friend's house in the 3rd grade. i was about 8. i was in the bathroom, and i discovered a bunch of dirty magazines.
naturally, this made me the queen of the playground for about a week after as other kids gathered around to hear my description of the saga.
i distinctly remember describing the man-parts, but there is a lack of female-parts in my memory...
which naturally leads me to believe that my friend's dad fancied other men.
(Tue 30th Jan 2007, 20:20, More)
i think my friend's dad was gay...
it's funny-- i'd completely blocked this out until i read the question.
i spent the night at a friend's house in the 3rd grade. i was about 8. i was in the bathroom, and i discovered a bunch of dirty magazines.
naturally, this made me the queen of the playground for about a week after as other kids gathered around to hear my description of the saga.
i distinctly remember describing the man-parts, but there is a lack of female-parts in my memory...
which naturally leads me to believe that my friend's dad fancied other men.
(Tue 30th Jan 2007, 20:20, More)