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» Things we do to fit in
Basic Class C Bullying
There was this guy at school in Year 7 (first grade of high school) nicknamed the Bearfly (not a term of endearment) that was bullied to within an inch of his life (hopefully not literally). I was never one of the cool cats at school but not a 'tard like a few folks so generally just hung around with said cool cats at lunch times etc.
One lunch time we were all just following Bearfly around hurling abuse at him, mostly in relation to his welsh-sounding accent even though he was from Worksop (Weeeeeerksop). Anyways he managed to lose us all somehow by hiding and after much looking it was myself who spotted him down some alleyway. He gave me the customary finger to lips thingy to suggest I don't tell the cool cats. I thought about for a second and then in a grandiose WW1 style 'over the top' movement I waved them all over and the torment continued.
I will regret this for the rest of my days.
There was a song about the Bearfly involving hairy moles and such like but it thankfully evades me at this moment.
(Thu 15th Jan 2009, 13:00, More)
Basic Class C Bullying
There was this guy at school in Year 7 (first grade of high school) nicknamed the Bearfly (not a term of endearment) that was bullied to within an inch of his life (hopefully not literally). I was never one of the cool cats at school but not a 'tard like a few folks so generally just hung around with said cool cats at lunch times etc.
One lunch time we were all just following Bearfly around hurling abuse at him, mostly in relation to his welsh-sounding accent even though he was from Worksop (Weeeeeerksop). Anyways he managed to lose us all somehow by hiding and after much looking it was myself who spotted him down some alleyway. He gave me the customary finger to lips thingy to suggest I don't tell the cool cats. I thought about for a second and then in a grandiose WW1 style 'over the top' movement I waved them all over and the torment continued.
I will regret this for the rest of my days.
There was a song about the Bearfly involving hairy moles and such like but it thankfully evades me at this moment.
(Thu 15th Jan 2009, 13:00, More)
» When were you last really scared?
Event Horizon
Watched this when I was bout eleven. If anyone has seen it then you'll know how scary it is, especially to an eleven year old. That was the only time I ever recall having a nightmare, so must have been pretty scared.
Although I did have a dream about been a soldier on D-Day with captain Winters (he of Band of Brothers) as my C/O. Pretty scary stuff, dunno why I dreamed that. This was only last week, aybe I've been watchng too many war movies and reading too much Stephen Ambrose.
Length? Action Man makes me feel inaddequate.
(Sun 25th Feb 2007, 12:59, More)
Event Horizon
Watched this when I was bout eleven. If anyone has seen it then you'll know how scary it is, especially to an eleven year old. That was the only time I ever recall having a nightmare, so must have been pretty scared.
Although I did have a dream about been a soldier on D-Day with captain Winters (he of Band of Brothers) as my C/O. Pretty scary stuff, dunno why I dreamed that. This was only last week, aybe I've been watchng too many war movies and reading too much Stephen Ambrose.
Length? Action Man makes me feel inaddequate.
(Sun 25th Feb 2007, 12:59, More)
» Well, that taught 'em
I just spent 5 minutes writing out a reply for this QOTW and then forgot to post it.
A night of heavy vodka consumption should teach my brain a lesson (in getting pissed presumably).
(Mon 30th Apr 2007, 22:59, More)
I just spent 5 minutes writing out a reply for this QOTW and then forgot to post it.
A night of heavy vodka consumption should teach my brain a lesson (in getting pissed presumably).
(Mon 30th Apr 2007, 22:59, More)
» Ripped Off
Twunting Uni Canteens
In my first year at Uni the canteen on our campus served rough food but at a reasonable price, say £2.50 ($5) for burger, chips and beans. Not too bad. This year the prices all look the same, quality thought I piling on the chips and beans next to my burger. Turns out they now charge for each individual item. £1.80 for the buger, 90p for chips and 70p for beans, £3.40! Ripping off arse bandits.
(Tue 20th Feb 2007, 16:47, More)
Twunting Uni Canteens
In my first year at Uni the canteen on our campus served rough food but at a reasonable price, say £2.50 ($5) for burger, chips and beans. Not too bad. This year the prices all look the same, quality thought I piling on the chips and beans next to my burger. Turns out they now charge for each individual item. £1.80 for the buger, 90p for chips and 70p for beans, £3.40! Ripping off arse bandits.
(Tue 20th Feb 2007, 16:47, More)