b3ta.com user Dr Platypus
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» When were you last really scared?

TV Movie
I rememeber watching one of those naff TV Movies when I was about 9. This particular one was about a serial killer offing mid 20s Brunette women in the 1960s. The bit that got me and scared me to my very soul was the pre credits screen at the end which went something along on the lines of '...and the killer was never found!!!!'. I didn't sleep for weeks thinking that I was next. Afterall, I clearly fit his MO - me being a 9 year old boy of indian origin. Not to mention the killer was probably a sprightly OAP by then.
(Fri 23rd Feb 2007, 15:44, More)

» Ripped Off

One summer my parents found my special 'Tesco Carrier Bag of Porn'.
They gave me a proper shooing and made me feel like a filthy little perv.
One week later I found all my jazz mags stashed on top of their bedroom cupboard. Nasty.
I felt properly ripped off.
(Tue 20th Feb 2007, 11:00, More)