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» Ripped Off
On watchdog 5 times
I used to work for a company that was on watchdog 5 times and later got shut down by the DTI. It sold concert tickets well above face value,
me on the phone 'Yes we have madonna tickets face value is £150, our price is £1779 per ticket.' We were always the company that was featured in papers when they talked about the excessive prices of tickets.
It wasn't just that we sold tickets at such a high price it was that often the people didn't get their tickets in the end and they were cancelled at the last minute/5 minutes before the show.
One of the biggest cons was 'venue representative' someone hasn't got their tickets and had to go and get the tickets from a tout minutes before the gig started. We would give his 'contact details' aka his fake name and his 2nd mobile phone number which he wouldn't turn on until he had enough tickets.On some venue collection nights we used to unplug the phones in the office so people couldn't bother us as eventually they'd get through to the tout and get their tickets(hopefully)
Within a week of the company getting shut down by the DTI, another company was up'n'running supposedly not connected with the boss but owned by someone who worked for the company. Also another company with london in the name was set up in hungary by the boss to sell tickets. Both sites have since been on watchdog. Nothing changes.
(Thu 22nd Feb 2007, 10:52, More)
On watchdog 5 times
I used to work for a company that was on watchdog 5 times and later got shut down by the DTI. It sold concert tickets well above face value,
me on the phone 'Yes we have madonna tickets face value is £150, our price is £1779 per ticket.' We were always the company that was featured in papers when they talked about the excessive prices of tickets.
It wasn't just that we sold tickets at such a high price it was that often the people didn't get their tickets in the end and they were cancelled at the last minute/5 minutes before the show.
One of the biggest cons was 'venue representative' someone hasn't got their tickets and had to go and get the tickets from a tout minutes before the gig started. We would give his 'contact details' aka his fake name and his 2nd mobile phone number which he wouldn't turn on until he had enough tickets.On some venue collection nights we used to unplug the phones in the office so people couldn't bother us as eventually they'd get through to the tout and get their tickets(hopefully)
Within a week of the company getting shut down by the DTI, another company was up'n'running supposedly not connected with the boss but owned by someone who worked for the company. Also another company with london in the name was set up in hungary by the boss to sell tickets. Both sites have since been on watchdog. Nothing changes.
(Thu 22nd Feb 2007, 10:52, More)