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» Strict Parents
dubious moral standards
As a child my sister and I were not allowed to watch Disney films and went to various sporting activities on Saturday mornings so we missed out on a lot of cartoons and general kids programs that probably would have made our school years a lot more bearable if we knew about, and could freely discuss with the other oiks in the playground. As it was we were social retards and our parents were quite happy about this, as they were of the belief that Disney (and the majority of children’s television) was a bad influence, and them not having cartoons as children did them no harm after all. Neighbours was strictly banned as it was classed as ‘trash’. We had limited televisual access when we were little to say the least.
Skip on several years and my 15 year old self wants to go clubbing in our local rock dive. I am instantly given parental permission for this activity, dropped off at the train station and a fiver is stuffed into my hand (a lot of money for a place that is £10 in with a free bar) and I am told to have fun.
I personally don’t understand how they could quite happily financially and morally support my underage drinking, yet wouldn’t allow us possibly the most innocent TV experiences we would have ever had?
Oh, I was also banned from chewing and bubble gum until I was 14, but my Mother told me it was made from cow's intestines and whale blubber so as a child I was quite disgusted by the mere prospect of eating it. It wasn’t till I was much older and voiced these objections about it and people laughed at me did I really find out what it was made from. I'll say it again; social retard
(Thu 8th Mar 2007, 15:18, More)
dubious moral standards
As a child my sister and I were not allowed to watch Disney films and went to various sporting activities on Saturday mornings so we missed out on a lot of cartoons and general kids programs that probably would have made our school years a lot more bearable if we knew about, and could freely discuss with the other oiks in the playground. As it was we were social retards and our parents were quite happy about this, as they were of the belief that Disney (and the majority of children’s television) was a bad influence, and them not having cartoons as children did them no harm after all. Neighbours was strictly banned as it was classed as ‘trash’. We had limited televisual access when we were little to say the least.
Skip on several years and my 15 year old self wants to go clubbing in our local rock dive. I am instantly given parental permission for this activity, dropped off at the train station and a fiver is stuffed into my hand (a lot of money for a place that is £10 in with a free bar) and I am told to have fun.
I personally don’t understand how they could quite happily financially and morally support my underage drinking, yet wouldn’t allow us possibly the most innocent TV experiences we would have ever had?
Oh, I was also banned from chewing and bubble gum until I was 14, but my Mother told me it was made from cow's intestines and whale blubber so as a child I was quite disgusted by the mere prospect of eating it. It wasn’t till I was much older and voiced these objections about it and people laughed at me did I really find out what it was made from. I'll say it again; social retard
(Thu 8th Mar 2007, 15:18, More)
» Picky Eaters
I'm not that fussy...
I developed from being a very fussy child who would regularly refuse any kind of food to someone who will eat anything as long as it is prepared correctly to my specifications, to the extent I once cried when someone presented me with toast that wasn’t cut diagonally in half into triangles, but across the middle of the slice into rectangles. The worst thing was they did this on purpose just to see my reaction. Cow. (Its not that I couldn’t actually eat it, its just the thought of having to do so makes me feel physically sick. With friends like mine it's surprisingly difficult thing to live with)
I also find it difficult to eat roast dinners unless the items are correctly placed on my plate. I did live with someone else who had exactly this roast dinner problem, along with some texture based ones of her own. It is very nice to have someone to share food quirks with.
(Thu 1st Mar 2007, 13:55, More)
I'm not that fussy...
I developed from being a very fussy child who would regularly refuse any kind of food to someone who will eat anything as long as it is prepared correctly to my specifications, to the extent I once cried when someone presented me with toast that wasn’t cut diagonally in half into triangles, but across the middle of the slice into rectangles. The worst thing was they did this on purpose just to see my reaction. Cow. (Its not that I couldn’t actually eat it, its just the thought of having to do so makes me feel physically sick. With friends like mine it's surprisingly difficult thing to live with)
I also find it difficult to eat roast dinners unless the items are correctly placed on my plate. I did live with someone else who had exactly this roast dinner problem, along with some texture based ones of her own. It is very nice to have someone to share food quirks with.
(Thu 1st Mar 2007, 13:55, More)