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» Buses
Best scary but fun bus-ride (and a relatively short ride...)
If you ever have the pleasure of visiting the Isle of Capri in the Bay of Naples, make sure to catch the local mini-bus ride from the harbour area up to the town of Anacapri (you could go the pussy option and take the cog-rail, but you're better than that...).
The buses are run-down like most things in Southern Italy, and driven by ex-Formula 1 drivers. You can go to Alton Towers and not have as much fun (and heart-in-mouth moments) as this one 15 minute ride.
I highly recommend standing at the back window and watching as the end of the bus appears to swing out over a 1000 foot drop with Roman-era engineering holding up the one lane road you are on...
(And with a *pop* my B3ta cherry is broken...).
(Sun 28th Jun 2009, 19:25, More)
Best scary but fun bus-ride (and a relatively short ride...)
If you ever have the pleasure of visiting the Isle of Capri in the Bay of Naples, make sure to catch the local mini-bus ride from the harbour area up to the town of Anacapri (you could go the pussy option and take the cog-rail, but you're better than that...).
The buses are run-down like most things in Southern Italy, and driven by ex-Formula 1 drivers. You can go to Alton Towers and not have as much fun (and heart-in-mouth moments) as this one 15 minute ride.
I highly recommend standing at the back window and watching as the end of the bus appears to swing out over a 1000 foot drop with Roman-era engineering holding up the one lane road you are on...
(And with a *pop* my B3ta cherry is broken...).
(Sun 28th Jun 2009, 19:25, More)