b3ta.com user Alcacino
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» Pubs

Wolf man and barry
So, picture this, the Belsize in Belsize Park (now a fucking asianfusion restaurant) one summer's afternoon, all the regulars have been in afternoon drinking, yours truly is behind the bar, sneaking the odd G+T. Various regulars ahve been and gone and just left are Wolf (very monied posh jewish fella) and Bazza (very pikey scrote from Kilburn) So these two are having a beer and I'm thinking: this isn't gonna go well. Wolf invites me into the loos for a cheeky livener, and gives Bazza a pathetic little line too. W0lf decides he's gonna need some weed later to go to sleep when he goes back to his girlfriend, so Bazza volunteers to get a cab to Kilburn and pick some up for him. the weed arrives and bazza asks Wolf for £50, 30 for the green and £20 for the cab, (the cab should have been £15. Wolf takes umbrage at this cost and refuses to pay him anything at all. Bazza decides to headbutt Wolf (Wolf is 6' tall and 4' wide, bazza is a little weasily scrote. Wolf doesn't even flinch from the butt, but blood starts trickling down his nose. Wolf picks up his bar stool and throws it at bazza, bazza picks up somebody's Corona and smashes the bottle and starts wavin it around. Yours truly has to stand in front of the mania and stop him glassing Wolf. Wolf gives me his charlie and weed to hold coz he's called the rozzers. so I stick it in the safe (the worst place to keep naughties on reflection) rozzers turn up, do fuck all and go. I glady bar Bazza for ever for breaking a bottle, and advise Wolf not to come in for a few weeks. They both thankfully agree and leave me to have another large gin.
(Sat 7th Feb 2009, 18:31, More)