Profile for Reverend Dan:
I used to be someone here, for a time.
Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
- a member for 22 years, 5 months and 25 days
- has posted 15683 messages on the main board
- (of which 18 have appeared on the front page)
- has posted 144 messages on the talk board
- has posted 34 messages on the links board
- (including 5 links)
- has posted 3 stories and 0 replies on question of the week
- They liked 9 pictures, 6 links, 0 talk posts, and 8 qotw answers.
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I used to be someone here, for a time.
Recent front page messages:
Not sinister, but there's definiteley something going on...

click for wallpaper
(Mon 30th Dec 2002, 1:16, More)

click for wallpaper
(Mon 30th Dec 2002, 1:16, More)
Hummus at all-time low

resolution at all-time high
edit: now pedant-proof
(Sun 6th Oct 2002, 23:25, More)

resolution at all-time high
edit: now pedant-proof
(Sun 6th Oct 2002, 23:25, More)
The previous day's events had left Elvis a broken man...

just knocked out a website to hold
the old episodes. saves me typing them in
here every time.
(Mon 16th Sep 2002, 21:05, More)

just knocked out a website to hold
the old episodes. saves me typing them in
here every time.
(Mon 16th Sep 2002, 21:05, More)
Best answers to questions:
» Foot in Mouth Syndrome
Long ago when I worked in an Off License
a group of old acquaintances came in, a group of people i hadn't seen for 3 or 4 years.
one girl was looking very obviously and heavily pregnant, so using it as a conversation-starter i congratulated her loudly on her bump and asked when it was due.
turns out she'd just got very, very fat since i'd last seen her. To say that the next few minutes while her friends chose wine were uncomfortable would be understating it rather...
(Tue 20th Apr 2004, 22:40, More)
Long ago when I worked in an Off License
a group of old acquaintances came in, a group of people i hadn't seen for 3 or 4 years.
one girl was looking very obviously and heavily pregnant, so using it as a conversation-starter i congratulated her loudly on her bump and asked when it was due.
turns out she'd just got very, very fat since i'd last seen her. To say that the next few minutes while her friends chose wine were uncomfortable would be understating it rather...
(Tue 20th Apr 2004, 22:40, More)
» Dad Jokes
Not my Dad,
suprisingly enough he actually is quite funny, but an old friend of mine's Dad fancied himself as a bit of a joker.
Sample phone conversation:
Me: "Ki there, is Karen around?"
Him: "No, she's more of an oblong shape..."
*awkward silence, cue tumbleweed and a single bell tolling*
Me: "Just go and get her will you?"
Him: "OK"
(Wed 10th Dec 2003, 15:49, More)
Not my Dad,
suprisingly enough he actually is quite funny, but an old friend of mine's Dad fancied himself as a bit of a joker.
Sample phone conversation:
Me: "Ki there, is Karen around?"
Him: "No, she's more of an oblong shape..."
*awkward silence, cue tumbleweed and a single bell tolling*
Me: "Just go and get her will you?"
Him: "OK"
(Wed 10th Dec 2003, 15:49, More)