b3ta.com user Boris-Johnson's-Face-Contorted-In-The-Throws-Of-Sexual-Euphoria
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Profile for Boris-Johnson's-Face-Contorted-In-The-Throws-Of-Sexual-Euphoria:
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Hello hello hello! All you lovely Bt3a'ers I loves ya! I'm Dara in real life.

I'm an Irish bastardy student type, with all the social graces of a amorous Rhinoceros...yarr!

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» Expensive Mistakes

He will never hear the end of it......."every feckin christmas".....
OH! I've got a funny one.....It'll melt Your face.....
When I was just a kid I had an awful habit of leaving bikes, buckets and random items lying around the drive of My House. This of course annoyed the bejeasus out of Me Dad, He had a lot of near misses in His banged out Citreon.....but no real harm done.......until one fine summer's Day: We were returning home from a family outing to see something "educational" involving a large stone and Vikings.....When My Dad Swirved the Car in reverse up the drive and BANG!CRASH! CRUNCH! My Dad turned His scarlet face twords Mine and Roared: "WELL POINTLESSPEASANT I HOPE YOUR HAPPY! I'VE WARNED YOU ENOUGH TIMES ABOUT LEAVING YOUR BIKE THERE!....."
To which I replyed: " Eh....Dad....that aint My Bike....."

The gormless slaphead had just crushed his brand new lawn-mower and wrecked the rear wheel of his Shite-mobile........Oh how We laughed...

Length!......Why its like a one eyed mouse crying
(Wed 31st Oct 2007, 6:17, More)