b3ta.com user Lord Flasheart
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» The Dirty Secrets of Your Trade

IT Dept. where to begin...
Any computers given to us will be scanned for grot and saved to a network location for later theft and perusal by other IT staff. Especially if its home made.

Occasionaly reboots work but other times we just can't be bothered to talk to you.

When you're sitting there like a lemon with me telling you I'm waiting for a console/connection/remote access/ferret I'm usually buggering around on the net, b3ta, msn.

We do keep lists of annoying people and they do indeed receive poor service, shit hardware, and deliberate work loss.

When buying a PC the one they suggest to you will be whatever they are trying to get rid of and extended warranties aren't worth the paper they are written on.

(Thu 27th Sep 2007, 13:26, More)