b3ta.com user tiredhorses
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Best answers to questions:

» Best Graffiti Ever

My Dad told me about...
A condom machine he'd seen in a pub bathroom somewhere. On the side it said "performs to british standard blah blah blah"

someone had written underneath it "so did the titanic"
(Thu 3rd May 2007, 17:47, More)

» Best Graffiti Ever

Another one.
Outside my College there are a load of white corrugated metal fences, and in big black lettering on one of them: "Question Everything!"
I walked past one day and asked myself "but why?"
Job done, I guess.
(Thu 3rd May 2007, 18:46, More)

» What's the most horrific thing you've seen?

there were a group of pigeons in the town centre eating bread off the road.

i was happily waiting for a bus with my girlfriend.

everytime a car/bus went past, the pigeons flew off to the side and then went back when the coast was clear.

then another bus came along, slower this time - all the pigeons flew off, apart from one who must not have heard the bus.

at least he was happily eating when the bus crushed him. he made a delightful "pop".

i almost puked.
(Fri 22nd Jun 2007, 18:01, More)