Profile for Jacques Lally Honk:
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Things we do to fit in
this lad
was new to the area when i was a kid, and let me get this out of the way first of all; this boy was a cunt. a total cunt. his dad was the scoutmaster and wouldnt let the other kids talk to him during meets.
me and my mates were just getting into alcohol at that time (remember what its like when you're 13 and raiding your parents whisky cabinet?) anyway, this new kid was a total cunt, and had never tried drink.
We told him that he had to try some before he can hang around with us, so instead of drinking a few beers, he downed half a bottle of gordons, fucking twat. Seemed fine at first, then he did that thing when you're drunk and cant control your eyeballs.
Anyway, he passed out, so we thought we'd fuck about with this whining little bitch. We stripped him of his clothes, dressed him up in our granddad's clothes (including a flat cap), got a very old paper from the library (took some skill that did), carried him out to a baron field, tucked the paper under his arm, and left him there till morning.
He woke up, couldnt remember anything, looked at his clothes, looked around him (no pylons, cars, or buildings), then saw the date on the paper. Stupid cunt thought he was in the past. Brilliant.
(Thu 15th Jan 2009, 20:36, More)
this lad
was new to the area when i was a kid, and let me get this out of the way first of all; this boy was a cunt. a total cunt. his dad was the scoutmaster and wouldnt let the other kids talk to him during meets.
me and my mates were just getting into alcohol at that time (remember what its like when you're 13 and raiding your parents whisky cabinet?) anyway, this new kid was a total cunt, and had never tried drink.
We told him that he had to try some before he can hang around with us, so instead of drinking a few beers, he downed half a bottle of gordons, fucking twat. Seemed fine at first, then he did that thing when you're drunk and cant control your eyeballs.
Anyway, he passed out, so we thought we'd fuck about with this whining little bitch. We stripped him of his clothes, dressed him up in our granddad's clothes (including a flat cap), got a very old paper from the library (took some skill that did), carried him out to a baron field, tucked the paper under his arm, and left him there till morning.
He woke up, couldnt remember anything, looked at his clothes, looked around him (no pylons, cars, or buildings), then saw the date on the paper. Stupid cunt thought he was in the past. Brilliant.
(Thu 15th Jan 2009, 20:36, More)
» Workplace Boredom
all day everyday
i read comics and see how near to orgasm i can get just by thinking about it. So far; no where near.
(Tue 13th Jan 2009, 21:49, More)
all day everyday
i read comics and see how near to orgasm i can get just by thinking about it. So far; no where near.
(Tue 13th Jan 2009, 21:49, More)
» Workplace Boredom
Intranet pictures
I work for a large company, and in that we have access to the directory of employees, best part of the job is seeing the pictures they put of themselves. Never have i seen an average joe. the top 3 me and my collegues have found was a bill bailey look alike, a woman with the biggest behive in the world, and man who seriously should have gone to specsavers as his glasses look like they were made out of thin tin foil. Obviously this makes for great email topics for boredom in the office.
On fridays we can go on the net, so me and a collegue invented a game where we find the funniest picture on something like (b3ta is blocked, very sad about that) and then try and take a call from Bangalore without pissing ourselves laughing. Happy days.
(Mon 12th Jan 2009, 11:12, More)
Intranet pictures
I work for a large company, and in that we have access to the directory of employees, best part of the job is seeing the pictures they put of themselves. Never have i seen an average joe. the top 3 me and my collegues have found was a bill bailey look alike, a woman with the biggest behive in the world, and man who seriously should have gone to specsavers as his glasses look like they were made out of thin tin foil. Obviously this makes for great email topics for boredom in the office.
On fridays we can go on the net, so me and a collegue invented a game where we find the funniest picture on something like (b3ta is blocked, very sad about that) and then try and take a call from Bangalore without pissing ourselves laughing. Happy days.
(Mon 12th Jan 2009, 11:12, More)