b3ta.com user Nick The Snick
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Profile for Nick The Snick:
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Lurky Lurky Lurk Lurk


The only picture I've ever posted on B3ta (for the Kunt & The Gang interview - it didn't get used because it was too good)

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Best answers to questions:

» My most gullible moment

The Danny Glover Game
My friend likes to play the Danny Glover game when meeting new people:

If someone raises the subject of a famous film with a famous black actor starring in it you should pretend to be convinced Danny Glover is the man in question.

e.g. - "Yeah, I remember The Matrix, Danny Glover plays a cool bald guy with round shades on."

No matter how fervently people try to correct you, carry on claiming it's Danny Glover. After a while most people will stop arguing and just accept that the person they have just met truly believes Danny Glover was in The Matrix.

Never reveal that you are on a wind-up or you lose the Danny Glover Game, it is for your own personal amusement only.

Advanced players can raise the stakes a bit by replacing genuine examples of Danny Glover roles that your opponents throw back at you with Denzel Washington

e.g. - "You mean the cop from The Crow? No, that was Denzel Washington..."

I bet you all try it this weekend......
(Fri 22nd Aug 2008, 1:04, More)