b3ta.com user Nukey
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» Phobias

Kinda weird
I've a few phobias whi9ch stem back from when I was younger.

The first is fire, my brother always used to play with fire when he was younger and this used to scare me even then, it's quiite weird because I can use a lighter without a problem but if I even so much as see a box of matches on a table I totally freak out. Once I was admitted to hospital for shock when I was living with my ex, who's mother left them out on the table

The second one is dogs, quite straight forward really, was attacked by one when I was younger that nearly killed me. If a dog barks at me I freeze up and panic

The third is the weirdest one of them all - ants. When I was younger I remember laying out in the garden in the height of summer. Halfway through dozing off I felt this crawling all up my arms. I was laying in an ants nest - but this wasnt normal ants - these are the jobbies who sting you (those repulsive red ones). I woke up and looked at my arms and I could barely see any skin for ants - I was screaming and shouting and they started to bite me.

Ever since then if I even so much as see a few ants together I totally freak out

Quite odd really :(
(Fri 11th Apr 2008, 15:48, More)