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Best answers to questions:
» The Dirty Secrets of Your Trade
I used to work at a cinema called the Odeon.
The popcorn came pre-popped. It arrived in plastic bags, which were packed four to a cardboard box, which were packed in a massive fuckoff HGV, and driven god-only-knows how far across the country to our asbestos ridden, smeg-hole of a cinema. Madness.
(Tue 2nd Oct 2007, 18:05, More)
I used to work at a cinema called the Odeon.
The popcorn came pre-popped. It arrived in plastic bags, which were packed four to a cardboard box, which were packed in a massive fuckoff HGV, and driven god-only-knows how far across the country to our asbestos ridden, smeg-hole of a cinema. Madness.
(Tue 2nd Oct 2007, 18:05, More)