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» Work Experience
Good Old Fashioned Bullying!
When we were at school, we all got sent to work somewhere for two weeks. A mate of mine got sent to a local printers, where the workforce were almost exclusively intimidating blokes who were big on piss takes and small on sympathy.
My mate, being a bit short, chubby, spotty and worst of all, ginger, got a fair old bit of stick, but he was most upset when he got home one afternoon and took his jacket off to discover that he'd spent the whole day, and the whole of the bus journey home, with a note stuck to his back that said "I like little boys...."
(Thu 10th May 2007, 10:51, More)
Good Old Fashioned Bullying!
When we were at school, we all got sent to work somewhere for two weeks. A mate of mine got sent to a local printers, where the workforce were almost exclusively intimidating blokes who were big on piss takes and small on sympathy.
My mate, being a bit short, chubby, spotty and worst of all, ginger, got a fair old bit of stick, but he was most upset when he got home one afternoon and took his jacket off to discover that he'd spent the whole day, and the whole of the bus journey home, with a note stuck to his back that said "I like little boys...."
(Thu 10th May 2007, 10:51, More)
» Rubbish Towns
Unless I've missed it, Burnley hasn't yet been mentioned in this QOTW, which is an absolute scandal - there can be few places in the entire world, not just this country, as unequivocally shit as Burnley.
It's in the arse end of nowhere, which is probably the best place for it to be fair, and all of the buildings are constructed from the same drab and dreary stone, that makes the place seem singularly miserable and grey, even on a sunny day.
I've never lived there, thankfully, but dwell in a neighbouring town which, despite having the usual gripes associated with pretty much any town or city in this formerly grand land of ours, shines like a brilliant beacon of success alongside the hemorrhoid on the arse of the nation that is Burnley.
Do not go there!
(Fri 30th Oct 2009, 15:50, More)
Unless I've missed it, Burnley hasn't yet been mentioned in this QOTW, which is an absolute scandal - there can be few places in the entire world, not just this country, as unequivocally shit as Burnley.
It's in the arse end of nowhere, which is probably the best place for it to be fair, and all of the buildings are constructed from the same drab and dreary stone, that makes the place seem singularly miserable and grey, even on a sunny day.
I've never lived there, thankfully, but dwell in a neighbouring town which, despite having the usual gripes associated with pretty much any town or city in this formerly grand land of ours, shines like a brilliant beacon of success alongside the hemorrhoid on the arse of the nation that is Burnley.
Do not go there!
(Fri 30th Oct 2009, 15:50, More)
» What's the most horrific thing you've seen?
Jackdaw Shitfest
I once saw a gang of hungry jackdaws eagerly scrapping over a choice dog turd in Largs. That was quite unpleasant, watching them greedily grab juicy beak fulls of moist excrement....
(Tue 26th Jun 2007, 12:55, More)
Jackdaw Shitfest
I once saw a gang of hungry jackdaws eagerly scrapping over a choice dog turd in Largs. That was quite unpleasant, watching them greedily grab juicy beak fulls of moist excrement....
(Tue 26th Jun 2007, 12:55, More)