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» The nicest thing someone's ever done for me
No food, but some consolation
One cold February evening, hung over, unshaven and with flu, I have to go out to buy food. I walk a mile or so through the drizzle to the shop, finding it has just closed. I shake my fist at the door and turn to go. In front of me a young woman, pretty and a complete stranger, spreads her arms and gives me a long hug, explaining she had just arrived too late for the shop too, and was waiting for a bus home.
(Fri 3rd Oct 2008, 20:46, More)
No food, but some consolation
One cold February evening, hung over, unshaven and with flu, I have to go out to buy food. I walk a mile or so through the drizzle to the shop, finding it has just closed. I shake my fist at the door and turn to go. In front of me a young woman, pretty and a complete stranger, spreads her arms and gives me a long hug, explaining she had just arrived too late for the shop too, and was waiting for a bus home.
(Fri 3rd Oct 2008, 20:46, More)