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» Best Graffiti Ever
This one dates back to the height of the troubles in Northern Ireland in the 1980's. It was during the time of the IRA prisoner hunger strikes. A mural was painted in a staunchly republican area of Derry commemorating those who had died. Under the mural in big white letters was the slogan 'Remember those who had to die'. My friend's uncle, being a bit of a protestant bigot, went out late one night with a tin of white paint and added a 't' onto the end of die.
(Wed 9th May 2007, 13:04, More)
This one dates back to the height of the troubles in Northern Ireland in the 1980's. It was during the time of the IRA prisoner hunger strikes. A mural was painted in a staunchly republican area of Derry commemorating those who had died. Under the mural in big white letters was the slogan 'Remember those who had to die'. My friend's uncle, being a bit of a protestant bigot, went out late one night with a tin of white paint and added a 't' onto the end of die.
(Wed 9th May 2007, 13:04, More)