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» Your first cigarette
Jonathan Kane
Jonathan Kane was a cool guy in school. All the girls wanted to touch him and all the guys wanted to be like him; or however the saying goes. We were best friends for a time and it was he who gave me my first cigarette, my first joint, and my first taste of liquor on the street. He never did pressure me into doing any of these things but I did them anyway because I was a tall white and pasty, awkward, elbowy, geeky young adolescent and remaining cool was a constant battle for me.
I still count myself lucky to this day that when Jonathan Kane first got hold of a bag of smack (heroin) that I was on holiday with my family in Wales.
I sometimes see him at Swindon bus station when I go home to see my parents, hastleing the good folk there for 20p's (for the phone he says) and recently he made the local paper for a string of crimes one morning which culminated in GTA of a postmans bike.
I keep trying to help him out on occasion but that's just stupidity on my part really as each time I do he just ends up robbing my house or something.
(Sun 23rd Mar 2008, 12:45, More)
Jonathan Kane
Jonathan Kane was a cool guy in school. All the girls wanted to touch him and all the guys wanted to be like him; or however the saying goes. We were best friends for a time and it was he who gave me my first cigarette, my first joint, and my first taste of liquor on the street. He never did pressure me into doing any of these things but I did them anyway because I was a tall white and pasty, awkward, elbowy, geeky young adolescent and remaining cool was a constant battle for me.
I still count myself lucky to this day that when Jonathan Kane first got hold of a bag of smack (heroin) that I was on holiday with my family in Wales.
I sometimes see him at Swindon bus station when I go home to see my parents, hastleing the good folk there for 20p's (for the phone he says) and recently he made the local paper for a string of crimes one morning which culminated in GTA of a postmans bike.
I keep trying to help him out on occasion but that's just stupidity on my part really as each time I do he just ends up robbing my house or something.
(Sun 23rd Mar 2008, 12:45, More)