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» Childhood Ambitions
Representative of the House of Commons
when i was a little girl i really wanted to be in the Royal Navy. I succeded in my ambitions and became Leading Seaman, unfortunately during the course of a recent mission we entered into Iranian waters. Even through our wrongdoing, the Iranian peoples have still treated us well and humanely, which i am and always will be eternally grateful.
Faye Thomas
(Fri 30th Mar 2007, 10:22, More)
Representative of the House of Commons
when i was a little girl i really wanted to be in the Royal Navy. I succeded in my ambitions and became Leading Seaman, unfortunately during the course of a recent mission we entered into Iranian waters. Even through our wrongdoing, the Iranian peoples have still treated us well and humanely, which i am and always will be eternally grateful.
Faye Thomas
(Fri 30th Mar 2007, 10:22, More)