b3ta.com user Pheonix1386
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» Crazy Relatives

Not a relative but
still pretty crazy, Walking home from work I was greeted by an elderly woman standing in the middle of the road (on one of those concrete "islands" you can cross on) talking worriedly to herself. Being a bit of a samaritan I went to her and asked if she was ok and if she needed any help, only to get the reply "FUCK OFF CUNT! YOU'LL NEVER GET MY BABIES!". Ahhh, the colourful life of York's Demented.....

Length? Not sure, I didnt see any babies with her though...
(Sun 8th Jul 2007, 9:08, More)

» What's the most horrific thing you've seen?

Not as bad as some on here
But still pretty damned gross.

On a fantastic sunny morning I decided to walk through the local park on the way to work. It is a bit out of the way but, as things are in York, things looked pretty nice in the morning sun.

Until I saw one of York's plentiful street-life.

He was just sat on a bin, looking thoughtfully into the park, seriously a poloroid moment if you're into that kind of thing, then just as I passed him, without even looking, he reached into the bin and pulled out something blue-white and unidentifyable (but stank like a mofo) and ate it.

Had a gingsters pasty for breakfast, was put right off it. Bastard.

Length? I'm not sure, the smell was enough to make me look away
(Wed 27th Jun 2007, 8:10, More)