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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Crazy Relatives
My post on this great and illustrative topic.
My grandad was a medic in North Africa and Italy during WW2. He came back somewhat.. unhinged, as tends to happen in such situations. He used to send letters to the then-president of Ireland, demanding that the river Shannon (the longest river in said country) be drained and replaced with a giant motorway. he also used to write to the Aga Khan demanding that he be given vast tracts of land for saving his cousin's life. He once decided that he was a marvellous poet, and went writing awful poetry for a while. He gave up on that. He also claimed that he would have gotten a knighthood, had he done any one of numerous things. He was great.
(Fri 6th Jul 2007, 23:16, More)
My post on this great and illustrative topic.
My grandad was a medic in North Africa and Italy during WW2. He came back somewhat.. unhinged, as tends to happen in such situations. He used to send letters to the then-president of Ireland, demanding that the river Shannon (the longest river in said country) be drained and replaced with a giant motorway. he also used to write to the Aga Khan demanding that he be given vast tracts of land for saving his cousin's life. He once decided that he was a marvellous poet, and went writing awful poetry for a while. He gave up on that. He also claimed that he would have gotten a knighthood, had he done any one of numerous things. He was great.
(Fri 6th Jul 2007, 23:16, More)
» What's the most horrific thing you've seen?
My grandad used to be a coroner, and saw his fair share of awful things. Once he was called out in the middle of christmas dinner. He refused to go, and in a loud voice he ordered the person on the other end of the phone to "Pop him in the freezer, he won't be any deader in the morning!"
He once also used his car, which contained both my mother and my aunt, to transport a human skeleton off a mountain. The stink didn't come out for weeks.
(Wed 27th Jun 2007, 8:50, More)
My grandad used to be a coroner, and saw his fair share of awful things. Once he was called out in the middle of christmas dinner. He refused to go, and in a loud voice he ordered the person on the other end of the phone to "Pop him in the freezer, he won't be any deader in the morning!"
He once also used his car, which contained both my mother and my aunt, to transport a human skeleton off a mountain. The stink didn't come out for weeks.
(Wed 27th Jun 2007, 8:50, More)
» Why I was late
She Turned Me Into A Newt At 08:50
It got better, so I was in for ten past nine. Even still I got into trouble. Nazi.
(Mon 2nd Jul 2007, 18:47, More)
She Turned Me Into A Newt At 08:50
It got better, so I was in for ten past nine. Even still I got into trouble. Nazi.
(Mon 2nd Jul 2007, 18:47, More)
» What's the most horrific thing you've seen?
In retrospect, hilarious, but when I was but three years old it was most traumatic. We went to Ibiza on holiday. While there, I read a pirate-related book. It dealt with all the usual piratey things, like cannons and ships and horrible wounds that were treated by coating them in boiling tar. The bit that disturbed me, though, was a drawing of a man with scurvy, baring his horribly swollen, bleeding gums. I spent the next year of my life eating as much fruit as possible.
(Tue 26th Jun 2007, 22:38, More)
In retrospect, hilarious, but when I was but three years old it was most traumatic. We went to Ibiza on holiday. While there, I read a pirate-related book. It dealt with all the usual piratey things, like cannons and ships and horrible wounds that were treated by coating them in boiling tar. The bit that disturbed me, though, was a drawing of a man with scurvy, baring his horribly swollen, bleeding gums. I spent the next year of my life eating as much fruit as possible.
(Tue 26th Jun 2007, 22:38, More)