b3ta.com user Mrs B Coathanger
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» Stupid Dares

Cupid Stunt
As kids we used to doss around the canel and the factories nearby. One sunday, whilst arsing about dropping about 20 feet into a sand hopper, which was stupid enough in itself, my mate dares me to press this green electric button on a switchbox, so sure enough I do. Whatever the switch worked, started buzzing but nothing seemed to be moving. However, the buzzing got louder and louder and crapping ourselves, we legged it big time. We managed to get about 200 yards away when the entire building exploded; big orange flames and black smoke just like the movies. We ran another 2 miles laughing our cocks off to get away from this minor armageddon. However, ever since, I've been very reluctant to press green buttons......
(Tue 6th Nov 2007, 2:54, More)