Profile for Dr. Maurice Bund:
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» I Drank Meths (pointless teenage things you did to shock)
Self Harm
Don't worry, this isn't an EMO post or anything, I just wanted to let you all know that once, during an argument with my mother, I punched myself in the face. The main problem with this is that I did it as hard as I could, and as a consequence damaged my nose really quite badly.
(Fri 20th Jul 2007, 16:55, More)
Self Harm
Don't worry, this isn't an EMO post or anything, I just wanted to let you all know that once, during an argument with my mother, I punched myself in the face. The main problem with this is that I did it as hard as I could, and as a consequence damaged my nose really quite badly.
(Fri 20th Jul 2007, 16:55, More)
» Crazy Relatives
I have an uncle who sits in his house and smokes heroin all day, pausing only to spit vile brown globules of phlegm into a carrier bag-lined bin. Not crazy, perhaps, but certainly a tad foolish, no?
(Tue 10th Jul 2007, 10:26, More)
I have an uncle who sits in his house and smokes heroin all day, pausing only to spit vile brown globules of phlegm into a carrier bag-lined bin. Not crazy, perhaps, but certainly a tad foolish, no?
(Tue 10th Jul 2007, 10:26, More)