b3ta.com user alspicer
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» Dad stories

Home-made Rice Wine
Back in the beige days of the 1970s, my Dad became interested in home wine-making, usually from grape concentrate but on occasion, turning to less popular options. One memorable experimental concoction aimed to produce a kind of SE London Sake, and began by steeping rice in water. Straining the reeking mess through muslin after a week or so was easy enough but, in his attempt to get the very last drops of potential booze from his mulch, Dad squeezed just a bit too hard. The muslin split from side to side, the ol'man swore loud enough to stun the budgie in the next room and Mum was still finding hunks of dried-up rice stuck behind the kitchen appliances six months later.
(Fri 26th Nov 2010, 21:28, More)

» Ginger

Why so much anti-ginger sentiment?
For me, it is simply teh fear! So pale and weak-looking, yet so hair-trigger ready to lose the plotmental.
Then again pale ginger men are a particularly common gay fantasy shag. I just don't understand it.
(Fri 26th Feb 2010, 21:53, More)

» The Dirty Secrets of Your Trade

dirty trade secrets
Nothing shocking to report but I need to confess it used to be a point of honour to write film and album reviews unseen/unheard when I worked on an underfunded website.
Also, in electrical shops, observe how the microwaves/walkmans/tellies increase in price from left to right and usually from the ground level upwards...psychology apparently
(Fri 28th Sep 2007, 20:14, More)