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» Insults
Football frustration
My and a mate were watching an England game (the one where Robinson the goalkeeper made an arse of a Neville passback). As the ball trickled into the England net, said mate leaps out of his seat and screamed 'you stupid fuckpiglet' at the TV. This phrase is now part of our regular vocabulary.
And pop goes the cherry!
(Thu 4th Oct 2007, 19:34, More)
Football frustration
My and a mate were watching an England game (the one where Robinson the goalkeeper made an arse of a Neville passback). As the ball trickled into the England net, said mate leaps out of his seat and screamed 'you stupid fuckpiglet' at the TV. This phrase is now part of our regular vocabulary.
And pop goes the cherry!
(Thu 4th Oct 2007, 19:34, More)