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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Unexpected Nudity
Afternoon delight
It happened every Friday. Between about half five and six in the evening. Just as we were finishing work.
The sales department was on the ground floor, studio's on the first. At the top of the stairs was a window overlooking the side of the house next door. Directly opposite their bathroom window.
The bathroom ritual of our gentleman neighbour went thus:
Open magazine at chosen centrefold and balance on window sill.
Stand in full view of office next door, whilst indulging in "fast washing"
The office ritual went thus:
When noticed, shriek to the entire office "HE'S WANKING AGAIN"
Be joined by approx 15 colleagues, all of whom would run upstairs. One of the sales girls would even get a chair.
Repeat weekly until one gobby northern lass attempted to make contact with the gentleman next door. By shouting through an open window:
Never saw him again.
(Thu 28th May 2009, 20:06, More)
Afternoon delight
It happened every Friday. Between about half five and six in the evening. Just as we were finishing work.
The sales department was on the ground floor, studio's on the first. At the top of the stairs was a window overlooking the side of the house next door. Directly opposite their bathroom window.
The bathroom ritual of our gentleman neighbour went thus:
Open magazine at chosen centrefold and balance on window sill.
Stand in full view of office next door, whilst indulging in "fast washing"
The office ritual went thus:
When noticed, shriek to the entire office "HE'S WANKING AGAIN"
Be joined by approx 15 colleagues, all of whom would run upstairs. One of the sales girls would even get a chair.
Repeat weekly until one gobby northern lass attempted to make contact with the gentleman next door. By shouting through an open window:
Never saw him again.
(Thu 28th May 2009, 20:06, More)
» Drunk Shopping
Saturday night engagement party, 4am Sunday ebay surfing. And as it turned out, bidding. Sunday evening Top Gear viewing interrupted by email wishing congratulations on 700 quids worth of iMac I had no recollection of bidding on. So the night cost one computer, plus two pairs of shoes and a handbag to placate the wife.
(Sat 12th Apr 2014, 23:56, More)
Saturday night engagement party, 4am Sunday ebay surfing. And as it turned out, bidding. Sunday evening Top Gear viewing interrupted by email wishing congratulations on 700 quids worth of iMac I had no recollection of bidding on. So the night cost one computer, plus two pairs of shoes and a handbag to placate the wife.
(Sat 12th Apr 2014, 23:56, More)