b3ta.com user angusinoz
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» Accidental animal cruelty

Retirement sucks
I am a dog handler. My first dog is called Max. Max and I went through a grueling three month training course together. We then worked together for about four years before arthritis got the better of Max. The day Max retired I bought him home after work and I bawled.

Now nearly three years later, Max is still alive. Every morning when I go to work with my new dog Max cries and whimpers at being left behind. I still feel awful every day, that my old workmate is so upset.

It's almost impossible not to be sentimental when you work as a dog handler, but it feels like animal cruelty.
(Fri 7th Dec 2007, 7:32, More)

» My most gullible moment

Winning smile
Many years ago I was doing basic training to become a soldier in the TA. My best mate had recently left the real army. There was another bloke in our training squadron who was, to put it nicely, as thick as a brick.

Shortly before going into the field for our end of training exercise we had to 'cam' up so that the imaginary enemy couldn't see us.

Anyway my best mate was able to convince thick as brick that he had to cam up his teeth - otherwise when you smiled the enemy would see you miles away - and he should be trusted because he went to the Gulf War. Thick as brick then puts a thick coating of cam cream all over his teeth.

Shortly afterwards 30 odd blokes are pissing themselves laughing at thick as brick with his big brown smile. I had tears running down my cheeks it was that funny. Still chuckle about it now
(Fri 22nd Aug 2008, 14:31, More)