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Best answers to questions:
» Prejudice
The Terrorist
I sat in JFK airport, New York with my then girlfriend waiting to board a flight. A man sat down across from us. He looked of middle eastern background and everything he wore was black, clean and neat. His hand even tapped nervously on a black wheeliecase. He looked at his watch anxiously.
I laughed to myself and contemplated joking with my ex about this suspcious man when he leaned in and asked,"Excuse me, will you please mind my bag?" in the thickest eastern accent i had ever heard.
I mumbled a feeble "yes" and my ex and i shared a moment's awkward silence as we watched him run away which was only broken by her loudly exclaiming she had to go to the bathroom.
For the convenient 40 minutes that she was away i proceeded to shit bricks until the bag's owner returned to graciously thank me and leave me in a confusing state of relief mix guilt.
(Sat 3rd Apr 2010, 1:15, More)
The Terrorist
I sat in JFK airport, New York with my then girlfriend waiting to board a flight. A man sat down across from us. He looked of middle eastern background and everything he wore was black, clean and neat. His hand even tapped nervously on a black wheeliecase. He looked at his watch anxiously.
I laughed to myself and contemplated joking with my ex about this suspcious man when he leaned in and asked,"Excuse me, will you please mind my bag?" in the thickest eastern accent i had ever heard.
I mumbled a feeble "yes" and my ex and i shared a moment's awkward silence as we watched him run away which was only broken by her loudly exclaiming she had to go to the bathroom.
For the convenient 40 minutes that she was away i proceeded to shit bricks until the bag's owner returned to graciously thank me and leave me in a confusing state of relief mix guilt.
(Sat 3rd Apr 2010, 1:15, More)
» Accidental innuendo
reflex action
I don't know if this is innuendo but it is a social cock up that i was reminded of on reading the question so here it goes.
I was at this bbq with a bunch of people i didn't know and one particular person i didn't like, as he stood around by the grill outside generally full of himself and getting cockier still. well the friend hosting the bbq was doing it at her mother's house and her mother could not help moving about trying to get stuff done. He was mocking everybody around him.
Enter mother to ask him a favour. Although she had trouble finding the right words for it as she stuttered to ask him for a hand
"sorry there. Could you do me a...would you do me a... would you do me a...?"
So instead of prompting the right word out of her or assuming it he said,
" i wouldn't do you" finishing with a smile at which point everybody in the party went quiet.
Does innuendo count if it's intentional?
(Sun 15th Jun 2008, 16:24, More)
reflex action
I don't know if this is innuendo but it is a social cock up that i was reminded of on reading the question so here it goes.
I was at this bbq with a bunch of people i didn't know and one particular person i didn't like, as he stood around by the grill outside generally full of himself and getting cockier still. well the friend hosting the bbq was doing it at her mother's house and her mother could not help moving about trying to get stuff done. He was mocking everybody around him.
Enter mother to ask him a favour. Although she had trouble finding the right words for it as she stuttered to ask him for a hand
"sorry there. Could you do me a...would you do me a... would you do me a...?"
So instead of prompting the right word out of her or assuming it he said,
" i wouldn't do you" finishing with a smile at which point everybody in the party went quiet.
Does innuendo count if it's intentional?
(Sun 15th Jun 2008, 16:24, More)