Profile for fibonacci_cunt:
I'm a drunken mathematician, currently polluting the fair city of Guildford with my presence.

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- a member for 17 years, 2 months and 11 days
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I'm a drunken mathematician, currently polluting the fair city of Guildford with my presence.
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» I don't understand the attraction
Every single human that's ever been alive, is alive, or will be alive. Fucking cunts the lot of them (especially me).
(Thu 15th Oct 2009, 16:07, More)
Every single human that's ever been alive, is alive, or will be alive. Fucking cunts the lot of them (especially me).
(Thu 15th Oct 2009, 16:07, More)
» I don't understand the attraction
Taking Photos of everything.
What is the fucking point? I have friends who whenever we're doing anything remotely interesting (well usually drinking) feel the need to take pictures all the time. Does one cease to exist unless one has at least 200 pictures an hour taken of themselves when they're having fun? Or do the cunts think that other cunts really want to see their cunty face on Facebook? Of course they don't, they'll be too busy putting their own cunting pictures of their cunting selves up on cunting Facebook. Fucking cunts.
(Thu 15th Oct 2009, 15:45, More)
Taking Photos of everything.
What is the fucking point? I have friends who whenever we're doing anything remotely interesting (well usually drinking) feel the need to take pictures all the time. Does one cease to exist unless one has at least 200 pictures an hour taken of themselves when they're having fun? Or do the cunts think that other cunts really want to see their cunty face on Facebook? Of course they don't, they'll be too busy putting their own cunting pictures of their cunting selves up on cunting Facebook. Fucking cunts.
(Thu 15th Oct 2009, 15:45, More)
» The most childish thing you've done as an adult
Everyday on my way to the office I go through an underpass.
Where someone has written in spray paint on the wall "CUNTS", with an arrow pointing towards the university campus. This never fails to make me chuckle.
(Mon 21st Sep 2009, 12:36, More)
Everyday on my way to the office I go through an underpass.
Where someone has written in spray paint on the wall "CUNTS", with an arrow pointing towards the university campus. This never fails to make me chuckle.
(Mon 21st Sep 2009, 12:36, More)
» Cringe!
This happend to me just now.
I was in my office reading a paper, absent-mindedly scratching my face with a pen. I then realised that I was using the wrong side of the pen and had scribbled all over my face and neck, thus forcing me to walk through the department with ink scribbled over my face, to the toilets.
(Thu 4th Dec 2008, 13:38, More)
This happend to me just now.
I was in my office reading a paper, absent-mindedly scratching my face with a pen. I then realised that I was using the wrong side of the pen and had scribbled all over my face and neck, thus forcing me to walk through the department with ink scribbled over my face, to the toilets.
(Thu 4th Dec 2008, 13:38, More)