b3ta.com user razz
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Profile for razz:
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female, scotland

very exciting!

Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» Guilty Pleasures, part 2

for your viewing pleasure
Sometimes I like to walk around my house and pretend I'm on Cribs, right down to opening the fridge and taking out some novelty sauce and going in to my bedroom and saying that it's 'where the magic happens'

first post!
length...I try to make the full tour last a good fifteen minutes.
(Sun 16th Mar 2008, 16:42, More)

» Your first cigarette

aged thirteen
watching The Mask.
mum walked in, shocked, and asked what I was doing, to which I replied :

sorry about this.
(Fri 21st Mar 2008, 12:38, More)