b3ta.com user banzai_biatch
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Profile for banzai_biatch:
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Herro ^_^ I'm banzai_biatch, an IT with animation student from the depths of scotland.

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Best answers to questions:

» Accidental innuendo

The Other Night....
We went to a mates and we were all watching telly, chatting, you the know the usual. My mate starts flicking through the channels and finds "Naked Parents" on Channel 5. Wanting to sicken us all with the sight of droopy naked mums and dads, he switched it on.

Time passes, we're sitting watching it, giggling and occasionally going "ooh look at the size of his winky"... then it turns to a couple, sitting in their living room buttnaked.
They weren't the most attractive couple - she was BIG, had hair on top of hair in her pubic region and was just... FUGLY. And the man? he was no oil painting either... anyway, after a while I turn to everyone and say -

"Oh, I recognise that rug!"

Not realising what I had just said, everyone started pissing themselves laughing.
I was refering to a rug which was underneath the sofa the naked couple were sitting on. OBVIOUSLY not her massive pubic rug.
I've never been so mortified in my whole life...
(Fri 13th Jun 2008, 23:11, More)