b3ta.com user Maxheadroom999
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» School Projects

Skeet Shooting. A sport for no one
Back in the pre-internet mists of time when I was at school I had to do a project on sports.
I could pick any sport I wanted but having no interest in sports I chose to write about Skeet Shooting and made it all up. The rules, the equipment, even renowned celebrates in the world of Skeet. All fabricated.

Luckily the teacher had a similar lack of interest in researching my 'facts' and gave me an A :-)

Wouldn't get away with that these days I tells ya
(Tue 18th Aug 2009, 17:28, More)

» Accidental innuendo

Many moons ago (when hand held scanners were popular due to the more traditional ones being prohibitively expensive) I worked in a PC shop and was lucky enough to witness the following brief conversation between a customer and a colleague:

"I'm looking to buy a scanner for my computer"
"certainly sir, Would you like a flat bed or a hand job?"
(Tue 17th Jun 2008, 14:55, More)