b3ta.com user chuffchuff
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» Dumb things you've done

Die You Buggers....Oh My God
In my old house I had a lovely York stone fireplace which housed a gas fire with an incorporated back bolier for my hot water and central heating.
Every Summer I would be infested with ants crawling from every conceivable crack and orifice in the fireplace.I tried antpowder but this just made a mess so off I trot to the local Hardware shop where I am sold an aerosol can of "Instant Death" ant killer (or something like that). Back home I am ready with an evil glint in my eyes and start to destroy the little bastards, this stuff really worked, they were tumbling down the fireplace dead as you like. Unfortunately I had totally forgotten the back boiler, or to be more precise, the pilot light for the back boiler and a cloud of "Instant Death" made it's way steadily towards it until it ignited.
I then had the fireplace, the chair, the carpet, the can of "Instant Death" and my hand on fire. Ran to the kitchen, dunked my hand and can into the washing up bowl and ran back in withthe bowl and poured dirty soapy water over everything.
I still really hate ants.
(Mon 31st Dec 2007, 18:24, More)