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» Food sex
once enjoyed a Bounty strAight from the girlfriends paradise,funny thing was, we were on the double bed in the show flat of a block that i was working at as a labourer so had left the latch up on said showflat door.The later bounty episode occurred and i must have done a great job with my toungue of cleaning up her twat, 'cos next day tell tale sign was large wet patch on mattress and foreman moaning like fuck because he thought we'd leaked water from above where we were plastering.I never told a soul 'till now and that were 30 years back.AAAhhhh the taste of paradise BOUNTY
(Fri 7th Aug 2009, 23:16, More)
once enjoyed a Bounty strAight from the girlfriends paradise,funny thing was, we were on the double bed in the show flat of a block that i was working at as a labourer so had left the latch up on said showflat door.The later bounty episode occurred and i must have done a great job with my toungue of cleaning up her twat, 'cos next day tell tale sign was large wet patch on mattress and foreman moaning like fuck because he thought we'd leaked water from above where we were plastering.I never told a soul 'till now and that were 30 years back.AAAhhhh the taste of paradise BOUNTY
(Fri 7th Aug 2009, 23:16, More)