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» Your first cigarette
Ardler 83
being a bit younger than some of the kids i aspired to be like, i was often coaxed into trying new things including adding the word c*nt into my vocabulary, snorting washing powder, and of course trying cigarettes. not one to let my peers down i dragged really hard on it like they said, inhaled it until my lungs burned, and coughed and spluttered around dizzily for a while. i think i was 6 or 7 at the time. i was affectionately named 'mad mental barry'
(Wed 19th Mar 2008, 22:48, More)
Ardler 83
being a bit younger than some of the kids i aspired to be like, i was often coaxed into trying new things including adding the word c*nt into my vocabulary, snorting washing powder, and of course trying cigarettes. not one to let my peers down i dragged really hard on it like they said, inhaled it until my lungs burned, and coughed and spluttered around dizzily for a while. i think i was 6 or 7 at the time. i was affectionately named 'mad mental barry'
(Wed 19th Mar 2008, 22:48, More)