b3ta.com user Special_Needs_Loris
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Profile for Special_Needs_Loris:
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I am lovely. Trying to learn Potatoshop but I am poo at it. Will try better.

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» Best Graffiti Ever

Come back Monty
On the number 63 bus stop - just round the corner from the Co-op - was sellotaped an A4 photocopied plea for a lost cute black and white kitten called Monty with photo of said sad-eyed but perky looking kitten. Written beneath the home-made notice, in pre-pubescent scrawl, were the words "Calvin bummed it to death." Years later the sign has gone and the bus stop is disused but if you look hard you can still see the words remain as an elergy to Monty and indeed a reminder of Calvin's proclivities.
(Sat 5th May 2007, 15:07, More)