b3ta.com user Tokyo
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» Have you ever seen a dead body?

An old homeless man.
Down in wee-ish lil Cork, in a wee lil village called Ballycotton resides I. It's quite a long ways from any decent places, but i'll sometimes make my way down to Cobh with anyone interested to do a bit of shopping.

Two missed fucking buses later and me and this girl named Sian are stranded in the in-betweens of the nearby villages. So when walking along the paths to get to the nearest bus station, we saw (Although i think smelt would come first) a large tramp supposedly having a kip on a bench, nothing special really.

Tum de dum de dum... A normal day by anyones standards, Sian precedes to walk home before me. A few hours later i get home, couple more and i get a phone call. That old man was seen rushed to hospital after O.D'ing on various drugs. So this guy was either dead or dying, and we did'nt so much as give him a second glance. =(
(Mon 3rd Mar 2008, 21:35, More)