b3ta.com user MrTM
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Profile for MrTM:
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Hi all,

I'm Luke from Bristol; just joined this site after a mate recommended it to me.

Love - Hellisforheroes, Reuben, Metallica, The Grudge (Jap Version), Heroes, Planetside, RuneScape, Squash, Muay Thai and Football.

Hate - People who cant lighten up, Anyone extrovertly rude and coleslaw!

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Best answers to questions:

» Shit Stories: Part Number Two

Who Says Smoking Bad For You?
I was going bowling with my flat mates in Bristol a couple of years ago.

We had to walk there and it was like 4 miles (Lazy students with no money for cars, taxis or buses of course)

Anyway I'd had a pretty big pizza before coming and at around mile 2 I was really feeling the need for a shit.

By the time we got there I was absolutely bursting for it. So I told the guys to go setup while I ran to the loo.

Jumped on a bowl, let rip and felt the sweet release....

...Er until I found there was no toilet paper, and this wasn't a pleasant, easy to clean poo by any stretch.

I did however have some very handy Rizzler papers (Green, nice and thick) so....well the rest's easy to guess.

LESSON: Smoking Saves!
(Sat 29th Mar 2008, 2:05, More)

» Have you ever seen a dead body?

....And now I've fully read the title (Need Coffee)...
The only dead bodies I've ever seen were on this sick site my mate used to show me when he came round to my house as a kid.

I'm sure you remember it; where people post up police images of murders / suicides / accidents.

I think the worse was the guy that used a shotgun on himself; there was A LOT missing from his head and grim couldn't begin to describe it.

I'm not generally a squeamish guy but that really made me feel ill. How could anyone do that to themselves; and more importantly; think of the poor bugger who found him dead :-O
(Fri 29th Feb 2008, 4:44, More)