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» Famous people I hate
Celebrity endorsed charities
really piss me off.
I really do feel sorry for the people in this world who suffer, but when somebody with more money than I could ever imagine tells me to empty my pockets I start foaming at the mouth.
If every celebrity, sportsman, (w/b)anker, tycoon (great word), toff, and mogul gave a couple of months salary every year to a fighting fund for major disasters there would be enough in the pot to sort out problems like the recent Haiti earthquake.
Please bear in mind, us ordinary working folk give a substantial proportion of our wage directly to the government (who waste in many wonderful ways), everything we buy is taxed, not just at the point of sale but at every stage of production. Are you a motorist ? If so you are taxed when you buy a car, when you buy parts for it, when you have it serviced, fuel (obviously), then tax for the privilege of owning said car. This is before you even try to park the damn thing. How much of EVERYTHING we buy is at an inflated price due to excessive taxes.
You could argue that the taxes a necessary, but if that were true then why is the government able to waste truly massive amounts of money.
So when fucking bono tells me I'm a cunt for not putting my hand in my already well lightened pocket I just want to rape him and all his twatty friends with the business end of pitchfork, right before I insert the pinapple.
My holiday this year will consist of seeing how far I can ride my bicycle in a weekend, not flying MY OWN FUCKING PLANE to a country hit by some natural disaster for some great P.R. and then asking me to pay for it.
I'm so angry I think I've just shat.
(Sun 7th Feb 2010, 12:11, More)
Celebrity endorsed charities
really piss me off.
I really do feel sorry for the people in this world who suffer, but when somebody with more money than I could ever imagine tells me to empty my pockets I start foaming at the mouth.
If every celebrity, sportsman, (w/b)anker, tycoon (great word), toff, and mogul gave a couple of months salary every year to a fighting fund for major disasters there would be enough in the pot to sort out problems like the recent Haiti earthquake.
Please bear in mind, us ordinary working folk give a substantial proportion of our wage directly to the government (who waste in many wonderful ways), everything we buy is taxed, not just at the point of sale but at every stage of production. Are you a motorist ? If so you are taxed when you buy a car, when you buy parts for it, when you have it serviced, fuel (obviously), then tax for the privilege of owning said car. This is before you even try to park the damn thing. How much of EVERYTHING we buy is at an inflated price due to excessive taxes.
You could argue that the taxes a necessary, but if that were true then why is the government able to waste truly massive amounts of money.
So when fucking bono tells me I'm a cunt for not putting my hand in my already well lightened pocket I just want to rape him and all his twatty friends with the business end of pitchfork, right before I insert the pinapple.
My holiday this year will consist of seeing how far I can ride my bicycle in a weekend, not flying MY OWN FUCKING PLANE to a country hit by some natural disaster for some great P.R. and then asking me to pay for it.
I'm so angry I think I've just shat.
(Sun 7th Feb 2010, 12:11, More)
» The most childish thing you've done as an adult
oh and then
there was the time I swapped the insides of Karls drywipe marker for the insides of a permanent marker. Que a wipe the smile off his face pun. The next week I protected his precious whiteboard with barrier cream, no black marks at all that day.
(Fri 18th Sep 2009, 22:15, More)
oh and then
there was the time I swapped the insides of Karls drywipe marker for the insides of a permanent marker. Que a wipe the smile off his face pun. The next week I protected his precious whiteboard with barrier cream, no black marks at all that day.
(Fri 18th Sep 2009, 22:15, More)